Sheeba Akashdeep: A woman is definitely an equal part in a man’s success

Actress Sheeba Akashdeep says that while it is natural for women to pause their careers when a baby comes along, it is also imperative to understand that she has an equal contribution in her partner’s success. She adds that her support is essential in helping him achieve his dreams.

“Men and women have careers, but women are wired differently, biologically as well. So not only do they carry a child and it changes their body and their mindset, but they also are the primary caregivers of a baby. So, it does set them back a bit in their career, because looking after a baby is their full-time responsibility and there should be no resentment about it because that’s how we’re made biologically,” she says.
She adds, “A woman is definitely an equal part in a man’s success because if she looks after his house and his kid, it is exactly, or probably more than the work he’s putting in at his job that she’s putting in to give him a happy and calm and a peaceful environment at home. So definitely, it’s a 50:50 effort.”

Meanwhile, Sheeba adds that joint families make it easier for women to work. “With the extended families that we have, our joint family system allows a woman to go back to work way earlier than she did before. So, yes, a woman today has the full opportunity to have a career if she so chooses. The ideal way would be if both career partners have family at home who can take some responsibility of looking after the home and the kids. That way, both can have an equal career.”

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